MPARTICLE ')@tA c!"o$" 87ZB`, ' Any questions I have not been able 'to answer are placed here so other 'readers may respond to them. Watch 'for an Answers column in future issues 'for any replies. See the Letters page about writing to the magazine.' As there are no previous issues of 'this magazine there are no readers 'questions yet so I will kick off with a couple of my own. ' I assume that someone somewhere has 'written a replacement for workbench 2s 'requester - one that gives you the &chance to suppress the .info files. Anyone know of one? ' If you hold down both mouse buttons 'when booting the Amiga under workbench '2 you get a set of options such as 'auto-booting from an external disk 'drive or turning off one or more of 'your drives. On my A600HD there's one drive called CC0: What is it? Questions: Page 1 of 1 Letters Index